Vehicle Configuration Menu Overview

The Vehicles Configuration area allows you to add descriptions of vehicles owned by your property to your inventory. Vehicles may be for use by staff or by guests. Commands for adding tow vehicles, RV type vehicles and towed vehicles to the list of vehicles available at your property can be found on this menu.

You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization. This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware Systems, using the Vehicles Configuration sub-system.



The Vehicle Configuration menu contains two sections, Vehicles Menu 1 and Vehicles Menu 2.

Vehicles Configuration Menu


Vehicles Menu 1:


Tow Vehicles: Use this command to enter vehicles that your property owns that may be used for towing (the load being anything that can be pulled) purposes such as trucks or tractors.

RV Types: Use this command to enter any RV type vehicles which you may have for rental purposes.


Vehicles Menu 2:


Towed Vehicles: Use this command to enter any wheeled vehicle or transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a large by a truck or tractor that your property owns.


Date Updated May 05, 2022